cat lick child hair

Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair?

Have you ever felt your cat's tongue on your hair, either when you are sleeping, relaxing, or just after a shower? If so, you might have wondered why your cat is so fascinated by your hair and what they are trying to tell you. Is it a sign of love, curiosity, or something else?

Cats are very clean animals and they spend a lot of time grooming themselves and sometimes other cats. But why do they lick human hair? What does it mean for them and for us? And is it harmful for either party?

In this blog post, we will explore some of the possible reasons why cats lick human hair, how to discourage this behavior if you find it annoying or uncomfortable, and whether there are any health risks to be aware of. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of your cat's licking habit and how to deal with it.

Reasons Why Your Cat Licks Your Hair

If you have ever felt your cat's tongue on your hair, you might have wondered what they are doing and why they are doing it. Cats are very clean animals and they spend a lot of time grooming themselves and sometimes other cats. But why do they lick human hair?

There are several possible reasons why your cat licks your hair, and most of them are positive and show that your cat cares about you. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Affection: One of the main reasons why cats lick human hair is to show their love and affection. Cats groom each other as a way of bonding and exchanging scents. When your cat licks your hair, they are trying to reinforce the special bond between the two of you and make you smell more like them. It's a sign that your cat trusts you and considers you as part of their family.
  • Grooming: Another reason why cats lick human hair is to help you with your hygiene. Cats are very meticulous about their own fur and they might think that you need some assistance with yours. They might notice some dirt, debris, or hair products on your hair and try to remove them with their tongue. They might also try to smooth out any tangles or knots in your hair. They are doing you a favor by washing your hair, even if you don't appreciate it.
  • Comfort: Sometimes cats lick human hair to comfort themselves or their humans. Cats lick themselves when they are stressed, anxious, or bored as a way of soothing their nerves and releasing endorphins. They might also lick you when they sense that you are feeling down or need some support. Licking your hair can make them feel closer to you and more relaxed.
  • Curiosity: Cats are naturally curious creatures and they like to explore new things with their senses. They might lick your hair because they find it interesting or different from their own fur. They might also be attracted by the smell or taste of your hair products or natural oils. They are just trying to learn more about you and your hair.
  • Habit: Sometimes cats lick human hair because they have developed a habit of doing so since they were kittens. Cats learn how to groom themselves from their mothers, who lick them when they are born and throughout their early weeks. Some cats might associate licking human hair with their mother's care and comfort and continue to do so into adulthood. They might also see you as a surrogate mother and seek your attention and affection by licking your hair.

As you can see, there are many reasons why your cat licks your hair, and most of them are harmless and sweet. However, if your cat licks your hair too much or too hard, it might cause some problems for both of you. In the next section, we will discuss how to discourage your cat from licking your hair if you find it annoying or uncomfortable.

How To Discourage My Cat From Licking My Hair?

While some people might enjoy their cat's licking as a sign of love and trust, others might find it annoying, uncomfortable, or even painful. If you belong to the latter group, you might want to discourage your cat from licking your hair without hurting their feelings or damaging your relationship. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Change your shampoo: Cats are very sensitive to smells and they might be attracted by the scent of your shampoo or conditioner. You could try switching to a different product that has a less appealing smell for your cat, such as citrus, mint, or lavender. These scents are usually repulsive to cats and might make them lose interest in your hair.
  • Cover your hair: Another simple way to prevent your cat from licking your hair is to cover it with a hat, a scarf, or a hood. This will make your hair less accessible and less tempting for your cat. You could also tie your hair in a bun or a ponytail if it is long enough.
  • Distract your cat: Sometimes your cat might lick your hair out of boredom or curiosity. In that case, you could try to distract them with something more interesting and fun, such as a toy, a treat, or some playtime. You could also give them a brush or a massage to satisfy their grooming needs and make them feel loved.
  • Ignore your cat: If none of the above methods work, you could try to ignore your cat when they lick your hair. Don't react with anger, frustration, or laughter, as these might encourage your cat to continue the behavior. Instead, calmly move away from your cat or gently push them off your head. Repeat this every time they lick your hair until they get the message that you don't like it.
  • Consult your vet: If your cat licks your hair excessively or compulsively, it might be a sign of a medical or behavioral problem that needs professional attention. Your vet can examine your cat and rule out any underlying conditions that might cause excessive licking, such as allergies, infections, parasites, anxiety, etc. Your vet can also prescribe medication or recommend behavioral therapy if necessary.

By following these tips, you can discourage your cat from licking your hair without hurting their feelings or breaking the bond between you. Remember that your cat licks your hair because they love you and trust you, so don't be too harsh on them and show them some affection in other ways.

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Is It Harmful For My Cat To Lick My Hair?

You might be wondering if your cat's licking habit is harmful for them or for you. The answer depends on how often and how hard your cat licks your hair and whether they swallow any of it.

For your cat, licking your hair is usually not harmful, unless they ingest too much of it. Human hair is similar to cat fur and can cause hairballs in your cat's stomach or intestines. Hairballs can be uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous for your cat, especially if they cause vomiting, constipation, or blockage. If your cat is chewing on your hair, you should stop the behavior before it chokes on a hairball.

Another potential risk for your cat is if they lick any hair products that you use, such as shampoo, conditioner, gel, spray, dye, etc. Some of these products might contain ingredients that are toxic or irritating for your cat, such as alcohol, essential oils, chemicals, etc. These could cause skin reactions, mouth ulcers, digestive problems, or even poisoning in your cat. You should avoid using any products that are harmful for your cat or wash them off before letting your cat lick your hair.

For you, licking your hair is usually not harmful either, unless you have allergies or infections. Cats' tongues are rough and can scratch your scalp or cause irritation. Cats also carry bacteria and parasites in their mouths that could cause infections or diseases in humans, such as ringworm, toxoplasmosis, rabies, etc. If you have any cuts or wounds on your head, you should prevent your cat from licking them. You should also wash your hair regularly and check for any signs of infection or inflammation. 

In most cases, there is no harm in letting your cat lick your hair, as long as they don't swallow it or hurt you. However, if you find it annoying or uncomfortable, you can discourage your cat from doing it by following some tips that we will discuss in the next section.

Tips For Managing Cats' Hair-Licking Behavior

While cats' hair-licking behavior can be cute and endearing, it can also be a nuisance or even a cause for concern if it becomes excessive or compulsive. Here are some tips for managing your cat's hair-licking behavior:

  1. Provide alternative outlets for grooming: If your cat is licking your hair because they enjoy grooming behaviors, try providing them with other outlets for this behavior, such as a scratching post or grooming brush. This can help redirect their attention away from your hair and onto a more appropriate surface.
  2. Increase environmental enrichment: Cats may engage in self-comforting behaviors like licking when they are feeling bored or unstimulated. To prevent hair-licking due to boredom, try providing your cat with plenty of toys, scratching surfaces, and interactive playtime.
  3. Address stress and anxiety: If your cat seems to be licking your hair excessively or compulsively, it may be a sign that they are feeling stressed or anxious. Try to identify any sources of stress in your cat's environment, such as changes in routine or interactions with other pets, and address them as needed. You can also talk to your vet about potential anxiety-reducing supplements or medications.
  4. Set boundaries: If your cat's hair-licking behavior is becoming a nuisance or causing discomfort, it's important to set clear boundaries. You can gently push your cat away when they start licking your hair, or redirect their attention to a more appropriate activity.
  5. Seek veterinary attention: In rare cases, excessive hair-licking can be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as a skin allergy or compulsive disorder. If your cat's hair-licking behavior is causing skin irritation, hair loss, or other symptoms, it's important to seek veterinary attention to rule out any underlying health issues.

By following these tips, you can help manage your cat's hair-licking behavior in a way that is safe, healthy, and positive for both you and your feline friend.

Fun Facts And Anecdotes About Cats And Hair-Licking

While cats' hair-licking behavior can sometimes be a nuisance, it can also be a source of amusement and even affection for many cat owners. Here are some fun facts and anecdotes about cats and hair-licking:

  1. Some cats may lick hair as a sign of affection: While cats can't express their emotions in the same way as humans, licking is one way that they may show affection towards their human companions. If your cat licks your hair gently and purrs, it may be a sign that they are feeling content and happy.
  2. Cats may have individual preferences for hair texture: Just like humans, cats may have individual preferences for hair texture when it comes to grooming. Some cats may prefer long, silky hair, while others may be drawn to short, curly hair.
  3. Hair-licking can be a bonding experience: For many cat owners, having their cat lick their hair can be a bonding experience that helps strengthen the human-animal bond. Some people even report feeling a sense of calm or relaxation when their cat licks their hair.
  4. Hair-licking can have health benefits for cats: While excessive hair-licking can be a cause for concern, some degree of grooming behavior is essential for a cat's health. When cats lick their hair, they remove loose fur and debris from their coats, which can help prevent hairballs and other digestive issues.
  5. Hair-licking behavior can vary by breed: Different cat breeds may have different tendencies when it comes to grooming behavior, including hair-licking. For example, Persian cats may be more likely to lick their owners' hair due to their affectionate and social nature.


We hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new about why cats lick human hair. As we have seen, there are several possible reasons why your cat might lick your hair, such as affection, grooming, comfort, curiosity, or habit. Most of them are positive and show that your cat cares about you and considers you as part of their family.

However, if you don't like your cat licking your hair or if you notice any signs of excessive or compulsive licking, you can try some of the tips we shared to discourage this behavior or consult your vet for professional advice. Remember that your cat licks your hair because they love you and trust you, so don't be too harsh on them and show them some affection in other ways.

Thank you for reading this blog post and stay tuned for more interesting topics about cats. If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family who might also have a cat that licks their hair. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. We go to great lengths to help users better understand their pets; however, the content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance.